BC Phillips has over 25 year's experience providing crane rental services to Burlington, the GTA, and southern Ontario.

We are fully licensed and insured, and operate safely in accordance with the Ontario Health & Safety Act and Regulations. While administering cost effective service, we strive to communicate with our customers in order  to stay focused on task and schedule.

Our operators and management make every effort to provide a professional hoisting service and conduct business with the utmost integrity.

Our core values of service are to perform consistently, and to offer flexibility and unique services to our customers. Our mission is to provide all customers with professional, quality service from beginning to end.

Fully Certified Hoisting Engineers

Our operators are fully certified Hoisting Engineers from the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 793.

Safe Lifting Practices and Procedures

Each engineer has passed rigorous testing to ensure safe lifting procedures and practices.

Our operators are experienced in a variety of applications and industries and can perform the lift in the most safe and efficient manner.

Service Areas

B.C. Phillips has over 25 years experience providing crane rental services to Hamilton, Burlington, the GTA, and southern Ontario.

  • Toronto (GTA)
  • Burlington
  • Oakville
  • Hamilton
  • Mississauga
  • Kitchener/Waterloo
  • Brantford
  • Brampton
  • Pickering / Ajax / Oshawa


  1. Safety
    All our staff and technicians adhere to the strict safety guidelines outlined in the Safety Standards and Practices.

  2. Customer Service
    We're committed to providing impeccable service, and take pride in serving your crane-rental needs.

  3. Quality Hoisting Solutions
    We provide mobile crane rental and hoisting solutions for a variety of industrial applications.


Always available when you need us

Our highly trained, dedicated and experienced service staff is ready to assist with your equipment rental and project planning needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

We do not provide any emergency services.

B.C. Phillips has over 25 years experience providing crane rental services to Burlington, the GTA, and southern Ontario.


ABC Construction Services

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"Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur."