Pre and Post Operation Instructions for Children

Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable experience for your child. Children should wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a change of clothes, a warm blanket and possibly a favourite stuffed animal. The goal of the medication is not to put your child to sleep, but to relax them before they are brought into the treatment room. This will also provide some amnesia and children often do not remember coming into the room.

Pre and Post Operation Instructions for Adults

It is common for patients to feel nervous or anxious about their dental procedures. Anaesthesia/sedation is also an excellent option for people that have severe gag reflexes, require extensive dental work, and long or uncomfortable appointments.This document addresses the most commonly asked questions regarding anesthesia. The decision of which type of sedation/anaesthesia will be made by you and your doctor.


While it is sometimes called "sleep dentistry," patients are generally awake, with the exception of those who are under general anesthesia.


Dental professionals can reduce costs by having a certified anesthesiologist handle and administer the anesthesia procedure right in their dental clinic.